Verification and calibration of measuring instruments are implemented in accordance with the provisions of the law on metrology (Law No. 04/2011/QH13 dated 11/11/2011).
The goverment stipulates a list of measuring instruments (hereinafter referred to as group 2 measuring instruments for short) that are requyred to comply with metrological control measures, including activities such as sample approval and verification, the current list is specified in Circular 23/2013/TT-BKHCN dated September 26, 2013.
Group 2 measuring instruments must be inspected (initial time, periodically, after repair) and affixed with inspection stamps in accordance with the law on metrology. In addition, to maintain reliability during use, measuring instruments in general need to be checked and calibrated periodically. The inspection and calibration of measuring instruments is carried out according to the corresponding inspection/calibration process promulgated by the authorities, carried out by a legal inspection/calibration organization.
The government provides detailed regulations on inspection and calibration of measuring instruments in Circular 23/2013/TT-BKHCN dated September 26, 2013; verifiers and organizations providing verification/calibration services must be reviewed and licensed by a competent authority before providing services to customers.
Providing inspection and calibration services for all types of pressure measuring instruments such as spring pressure gauges, electronic manometers, vacuum gauges, pressure transmitter with accuracy class up to CCX1, pressure working range to 3000 bar. Work can be carried out in the laboratories or on the construction site (Mobile Laboratories).
Provides calibration services for all types of temperature measuring instruments such as needle thermometers, electronic thermometers, thermocouples, infrared thermometers, temperature signal converters.. with an error of ±0, 30C scale to 5-6500C. Work can be carried out in the laboratory or on the construction site (Mobile Laboratories).
Providing verification services of mass measuring devices such as bench scales, spring scales, disc scales..; The measuring instruments have accuracy class CCX3, working ranges 5000kg. Calibration of conveyor scales, car scales, crane scales up to 100 tons. Work can be carried out in the laboratory or at the installation site.
Providing calibration services of force and torque measuring instruments including: dynamometers of all kinds, loadcells, universial tensile testing machines, torque wrenches; The measuring instruments have the accuracy 0.5% and working range up to 300 tons. Work can be carried out in the laboratory or at the installation site.
Providing calibration services of gas flowmeters, liquyd flowmeters; Measuring devices have the accuracy 1.5% and working range up to to 10 m3/h.